Storyteller 5.1.0




Data Conversion within Specifications

Selection Lists Edit on GitHub

Storyteller allows you to create user-defined lists of valid values to a Cell for an improved editor experience. These lists can be defined directly on a Cell or referenced by list name to values defined at either the containing Fixture level or from a custom ISystem.

Defining Lists Directly to a Cell

You can add selection lists directly to a cell with the [SelectionList(name of list)] or [SelectionValues(value1, value2, ...)] attributes for grammars that call methods:

public void DoSomething(
    [SelectionValues("Tom", "Todd")] string name, 
    [SelectionList("Numbers")]int x, int y)

You can also use the SelectionList() and SelectionValues() methods on ICellExpression to add selection values to other kinds of grammars:

public IGrammar OrderedDetailsAre()
    return VerifySetOf(getDetails)
        .Titled("The Ordered details should be")

        // Use this syntax if you want to customize
        // the cells in this SetVerification grammar
        .Comparisons(_ =>
            _.Compare(o => o.Amount).DefaultValue("100").Header("The Amount");

            _.Compare(o => o.Date)

                // Adding a selection list by display/value
                    new Option("Today", "TODAY"), 
                    new Option("Yesterday", "TODAY-1"), 
                    new Option("Tomorrow", "TODAY+1")

            _.Compare(o => o.Name)
                .Header("The Name")

                // Simple value list
                .SelectionValues("Hank", "Tom", "Alice");

            // Simply refer to a selection list 
            // defined elsewhere by name
            _.Compare(o => o.Part)

As of Storyteller 4.1, you can also add any of the attributes on the Type of an argument being passed to a grammar.

Here's an example from the Storyteler.Selenium addon (may still be forthcoming when you read this):

public class NamedElement
    public string Name { get; }

    public NamedElement(string name)
        Name = name;

In the case above, NamedElement refers to a Selenium element in a list in each selenium-aware Fixture class. To make the selection list for the Fixture appear in the editor, I added the [SelectionList] attribute directly to the NamedElement class.

A grammar that uses this is shown below:

[FormatAs("Click {element}")]
public void Click(NamedElement element)

Fixture Wide Lists

You can also define named option lists to a Fixture class like this:

public SelectionValuesFixture()
    AddSelectionValues("Names", "Jeremy", "Monte", "Max");

System Wide Lists

Lists can also be defined or built in a custom ISystem like this:

public CellHandling Start()
    var handling = CellHandling.Basic();

    // Adding a system wide list. 
    handling.AddSystemLevelList("positions", new[] {"LB", "OL", "DL", "WR", "RB"});

    // This is where you can register a custom runtime conversion

    return handling;

What does it look like?

In usage, using a selection list looks like this in the specification editor:

Player Positions
Justin Houston
Add Row