Exporting the Documentation Edit on GitHub

Storyteller provides the dotnet stdocs export (st doc-export in Storyteller 3.*) command to generate static html content from your documentation project and persist the files to a directory of your choosing. The documentation can be generated in one of two styles:

  1. Website - Designed for GitHub Pages hosting using organization websites that resolve to a root URL like http://storyteller.github.io. Asset file links for images, stylesheets, and scripts are absolute urls assuming that the documentation is hosted at the root of a url. Topic files are saved as index.html under a folder structure reflecting the desired url. See this very documentation published in storyteller.github.io for an example.

  2. ProjectWebsite - Designed for GitHub Pages hosting using project websites that resolve to a root URL like http://jasperfx.github.io/marten. If you use this mode, you will also have to provide the GitHub project name for the Url construction using the --project flag (dotnet stdocs export ProjectWebsite --project marten). Do watch that the project URL for gh-pages is case sensitive! Asset file links for images, stylesheets, and scripts are absolute urls assuming that the documentation is hosted at rooted at the location "/[project name]".

  3. FileDump - Designed to make the generated documentation navigable directly on the file system. This mode was designed for file downloads and possibly embedding the documentation inside a Nuget package. Client asset links are all relative.

dotnet stdocs exportExport a documentation project to static html

The `dotnet stdocs export` command allows you generate and publish the documentation to a directory of your choosing. Even though it is optional, we do recommend that you supply your product's version number like so: `st doc-export -v 3.0`. You may want to more tightly control where Storyteller should scan for code samples to speed up the publishing process.
dotnet stdocsexport FileDump|Website|ProjectWebsite [-d, --directory ] [-v, --version ] [-p, --project ] [-c, --code []]
destinationThe destination folder where the docs should be exported to
exportmodeControls how the urls within the documentation topic pages are generated
[-d, --directory <directory>]The documentation directory. The default is 'documentation'
[-v, --version <version>]Override the application version. Default is 'Unknown'
[-p, --project <project>]GitHub project name when exporting to project pages of a GitHub repo
[-c, --code [<code1 code2 code3 ...>]]Override the directories where sample scanning should be enabled. Default is [src]