Running the Documentation Website Locally Edit on GitHub

Use the dotnet stdocs run (st doc-run in Storyteller 3.*) application to see live previews of your documentation as you author content. The browser will reload whenever changes are detected to topic files. The Storyteller team plans to extend the file watching and reloading to:

  1. Rebuilding code samples when files change. This is "done," but the file watching never seems to be reliable yet

  2. Reloading the topic navigation structure when new files are added or order.txt files are changed

dotnet stdocs runRun the documentation in a live mode

The `dotnet stdocs run` command will start a small embedded website application and open your default browser to the documentation root.
dotnet stdocsrun [-d, --directory ] [-v, --version ] [-p, --project ] [-c, --code []]
[-d, --directory <directory>]The documentation directory. The default is 'documentation'
[-v, --version <version>]Override the application version. Default is 'Unknown'
[-p, --project <project>]GitHub project name when exporting to project pages of a GitHub repo
[-c, --code [<code1 code2 code3 ...>]]Override the directories where sample scanning should be enabled. Default is [src]

Auto- and Force- Refresh Content

Storyteller is using file system watching to detect changes to code files that may contain samples and any file under the running /documentation root folder. Storyteller should be auto-refreshing the browser whenever it detects changes or finishes parsing code files for samples. Because it's an imperfect world in the realm of file watchers and because the code sample scanning isn't always the fastest thing in the world, **Storyteller provides the force refresh command to re-read the entire topic file structure and all code files for samples. In any browser page for the documentation, use the CTRL+SHIFT+R command to trigger the force refresh. Do note that the code sample scanning especially is an asynchronous operation that can be time consuming.

In the worst case scenario, you may need to stop and restart the dotnet stdocs run command to pick up new navigation structures.

Opening the Underlying File

At any page from the browser when the documentation website is running, you can use the keyboard shortcut CTRL+SHIFT+E to try to open the underlying file for the current screen in your default editor for *.md files or *.htm files for the splash.htm file.